Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The first thing you need to do is preliminary keyword research. This involves using keyword tools to find a large number of keywords that you would potentially want to target for your niche. By now, you should have already chosen a niche. Now, you just need to gather a list of keywords you can use to get traffic from various sources such as search engines, or with pay-per-click marketing.

Let’s say you have chosen the weight loss niche. You’re targeting individuals who are trying to lose weight and are earger to shed there pounds.You would probably want to start with keywords like "weight loss".

This would return keywords such as:

•quick weight loss
•loss weight fast
•weight management

You can use the google Keyword Planner.  This tool is free, but you will need to have a google account to use it. Before google had a tool called Keyword Tool but as you know they are always changing and so now they have added some additional features to the Keyword Planner. But it returns results directly from Google’s own internal database of searches people have performed. With Keyword Planner, you'll get historical statistics only for exact match of your keywords. Although no keyword tool is 100% accurate, Google’s own data is pretty accurate. Also there is When you type in the keyword it brings up the search volume and how much others are payinging for CPC and other related keywords. They also have data showing how much cometition there are for the keyword entered and some other good useful information. They offer a lifetime free trial but you can also gather data by just entering the keyword in the searcch box. They only give you a limited data but it will give you a start if you are not ready to upgrade to the full product yet.
 Once you have a list of keywords, you need to analyze them. Not every keyword is going to be one you would want to focus on for SEO purposes. Some won’t have enough traffic to make them worth the time, and others will have too much competition to give you a reasonable chance to rank.

You should never tackle a list of keywords without first analyzing traffic and competition. It’s a waste of time and resources to focus on keywords that are too competitive or don’t get enough searches.

There is a specific “formula” that you can use to determine which keywords you want to focus on:

•At least 1,000 monthly searches
•No more than 30,000 pages in Google “in quotes”
•No more than 10,000 results for “allintitle”

You don't want to use keywords that have less than 1,000 searches per month, because they don’t usually bring enough traffic to justify the effort. Then you need to analyze the competition. You want to make sure to target phrases you have a good chance to rank for, otherwise you’re wasting your time, because you probably won’t be able to rank on the first page if there is too much competition.There are two steps to assessing competition. First, you need to find out how many people are using each keyword phrase on their pages. You do this by entering the keyword into Google in quotes. This will tell you how many other pages contain that exact phrase.
 Next, you need to see how strong those other competitors are. Google and other search engines usually give a tremendous amount of weight to the words appearing in the title of the HTML document, so you need to see how many of those pages are also using the phrase in their title. This is done by entering this into Google: allintitle:”keyword in quotes”

After you have used all of the keyword phrases you found that fit the main criteria, you can expand and use other keywords. Just stick to those that do fit the criteria in the beginning, because you will get better rankings quickly, so you can start seeing traffic and income sooner.

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  4. What should be the optimum Keyword density?
